About the Academy

The Midlands Imaging Training Academy (MITA) was created in 2021 and is one of two diagnostic Academies in the Midlands, the other being the Midlands Endoscopy Academy (META). Imaging Training Academies are operational in the South East, South West, East of England, London, Midlands, North East & Yorkshire, and North West regions.


The Imaging Training Academies have the potential to provide greater health system value than traditional education models as they have the potential to:

Enable training and supervision capacity to be expanded quickly and much more cost-effectively, by way of 2:1 (and more) supervised sessions, standardised lectures and increased learning capacity.

Enable innovation in training through rapid at-scale adoption of technology-enhanced learning and new multi-disciplinary learning models.

Accelerate independent working and service delivery productivity of trainees.

Enable more geographical equity in the distribution of training and hence the health professional workforce.

In 2021, following the publication of the Richards Review for Diagnostic Services, a team made up of senior imaging clinicians, workforce leads in trusts, universities involved in imaging training, cancer alliance workforce leads, and NHSE (including the then Health Education England (HEE)) came together to collaboratively design the model for a new Midlands Imaging Training Academy supported by national funding.

The current MITA model comprises a mix of Trusts and Universities (HEIs) to enable a balance between the knowledge of the requirement for patient-facing services and the expertise of accredited imaging training.

regional map of west and east midlands

Academy aims



Ingrid Britton

NHSE Senior project manager

Ingrid graduated from Cardiff, and trained in Cardiff, Edinburgh and Glasgow with Consultant Radiologist posts in the East Midlands, ULHT, and West Midlands, UHNM. Her teaching experience is as Royal College tutor in the East Midlands and TPD in the West Midlands, Honorary Senior Lecturer at Keele University, co-director of the National CTC Training and Accreditation Programme and Midlands Academy Director Ingrid’s management experience was as CD of one of the first Radiology departments in the country to achieve QSI, and Divisional chair of Women’s, Children’s, and diagnostics at UHNM, with concurrent QA roles in the National bowel cancer screening programme as a professional clinical advisor for the Midlands and on the National Advisory group. Her clinical subspecialty is in GI Radiology with research interests in post treatment assessment, novel staging for organ sparing surgery, and risk stratification for MRI liver screening in colorectal cancer. She is a member of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists and Secretary of the British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.


Zena Wynn-Jones

NHSE Senior project manager

Zena is the Senior Project Manager and has been with the Imaging Academy project since its inception. Prior to that she has worked within stakeholder engagement, communications and project management within the national mental health team and the Children and Young Peoples’ Mental Health Teams.

Victoria Fletcher

Birmingham City University

Desiree O’Leary

Keele University

Gillian Coleman

University of Derby

Adamn Thomas

Nottingham University Hospitals
Will Adair

Will Adair

University Hospitals Leicester

Will Adair is a Consultant Radiologist based at University Hospitals of Leicester, where he specialises in diagnostic and interventional vascular radiology. He is also an experienced medical educationist, with a diverse portfolio of past and present education roles.

Deonne Lee

University Hospitals North Midlands
Neil Gupta

Neil Gupta

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

Neil graduated from Imperial College London and completed post-graduate training in the West Midlands before undertaking two Fellowships in Interventional Radiology at Royal Perth Hospital and Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Australia. He now works as a Consultant Interventional Radiologist at UHCW and has introduced services such as fistula thrombectomy, percutaneous tumour ablation and the eponymous GUPTAS procedure. He is heavily involved in education having been a Radiology College Tutor and now Training Program Director and Imaging Academy Radiology Lead. He runs two national training courses entitled "The Complete Chest Drain Insertion Course" and "The Midlands IR Skills Course", is a faculty member for numerous other national courses and runs multiple Imaging Academy courses. He sits on the British Society of Interventional Radiology Communications Committee and developed & launched the website: www.tirtl.co.uk - The IR Training Logbook.